The Reintroduction

My name is Mandi and I am, among many other things, a blogger. I swore off blogging some few months ago, but like most bloggers who at some point swear off blogging for good, I couldn’t stay away. The previous version of this blog may not have felt like home anymore, but I still have so much to say and so many things about my life I’d like to share. So here I am with my reintroduction.

For nearly six years, I have called Riyadh, Saudi Arabia home. Riyadh and I haven’t always gotten along. We’ve spent years hating one another, but I’ve slowly learned how to love my life here because I’ve come to believe that as long as I’m blessed with breath in my lungs I should do whatever it takes to love my life. It won’t last forever and I plan to enjoy it while it lasts.

I’m the mother of a vibrant, witty, intelligent almost-eleven-year-old girl. Her father is of Palestinian/Lebanese origin with Saudi nationality, so combined with my mixed European heritage, she’s an international mix of sorts who manages to thrive and fit in while standing out wherever her parents happen to take her. She lives mostly with her dad and we spend time doing girly stuff whenever we can.

Her father and I are the most functional divorced couple either of us have ever known, but it hasn’t always been that way. We spent years fighting tooth and nail over our relationship, our living arrangements, and our parenting styles. Truthfully, I’m the one who fought. I fought because not many things here in Saudi have ever gone my way. I haven’t had a say in much of how my life in Saudi would go. My parenting life in particular. But I slowly realized that fighting doesn’t get me anywhere beneficial and that quietly letting go of control is what would ultimately lead me to having the most control over my own life. Letting go of control is also what allowed him to loosen his grip in return. And now I’m happy and we’re functioning.

I never thought that “divorced” would be a word that would define me. And maybe it sounds a bit like accepting defeat to those who have never been through divorce, but for me, embracing this word and all that the process of divorce has taught me is a victory. This word is a reminder that I have been through something equal parts terrible and beautiful. Divorce tore me to pieces and gave me the opportunity to gather up those pieces and put them back together in the way that I wanted to rather than in the way a relationship required me to. I found myself in the process of losing my marriage. And as twisted as it may sound, I am grateful that it happened.

So…that’s me and this is where I’m at right now. And I’m ready to share again, I think. A little bit. I’m ready to share as much as I can to help others—women in particular—to remember that, yes, sometimes words define us. And sometimes situations and circumstances define us. But we have the power to choose exactly how they do so.

Welcome back.

35 thoughts on “The Reintroduction

  1. ASA, I’m so very Happy for you Mandi, Finding one’s self in life’s journey, is the most amazing surprise of all, I agree…!!! Life IS big, and you have SOOOOO much more ahead of you! May you embrace it ALL with Grace…and peace of mind…

  2. Welcome back Mandi. Learning is a continuous process, so is life. It doesn’t end whenever tragedy begins instead bouncing back fiercely each time you fall. Cheers to new adventures 🙂

  3. Life is a journey with collection of experiences comes as you like it to be. I knew you for a very short time and you are such a decent and social person.

    Also, I am sure you have the confidence to adjust your journey as you will.

    God bless you Mandi.

  4. Life is a journey with collection of experiences comes as you like it to be. I knew you for a very short time and you are such a decent and social person.

    Also, I am sure you have the confidence to adjust your journey as you well.

    God bless you Mandi.

  5. I am so thrilled to see you back on here! I’ve missed your blog terribly. You are an amazing writer. You have a gift that must be shared and a voice that must be heard.

  6. I am happy that you are back Mandi. I have followed your blog for many years now and I think that you are a really strong woman. Good to hear that you are feeling good.

  7. Welcome back, Mandi! I’m so grateful you’ve decided to return to blogging. Your posts are extraordinary and uplifting. You turn very difficult situations into positive life lessons. Thank you again.

  8. I don’t know what made me search for your blog tonight, but I was surprised (and happy) to see you have begun posting again. I hope life is treating you well.

  9. How did I miss your come back???? I just got here again through twitter! I am so glad you have come back.. missed reading your posts.. now got to catch up.. glad not too long..:-)

  10. I always silently thanked God for your blog it got me through a very dar phase of depression i was sad you stopped blogging but now i am happy… thanks, for blogging again

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