The End.

Here we are, my friends. It’s been four years since I’ve returned to Saudi Arabia. And four years since I started telling the world about my life. Four years of opening myself up, of showing you all my insides and surprising myself with how human I am. Four years of learning and growing and blossoming.

After these four years, I finally can say, after all I’ve been through with my experience and my life in Saudi, that I feel like me again. I finally feel like I want to move on with my life. I can finally say that with all its ups and downs, I love my life and all the mess that comes with it. I can finally say finally.

Over the past four years I’ve had times when I questioned whether or not to continue the blog, but I always felt like I wasn’t finished and that I had more to say. But I don’t feel that way anymore. My journey continues, but I am not the same woman living in the same situation I was when this blog started. So this feels like a good place to end this particular blogging journey.

The blog will still be here, but everything will be set to private except for this post. You can still follow me on social media if you’d like to keep in touch, but (as hard as this is for me), I won’t be answering anymore “help me with my Saudi” emails.

Before you ask…yes, I am okay. Life is good. I am happy. I don’t know what the future holds for me in Saudi Arabia, but I’ve somehow managed to beat the odds and carve out a mostly peaceful little space for myself here. This is probably the part of the world where I will settle down and remarry and grow old, and I’m not mad about that anymore.

I will eternally appreciate the incredible support and love I have received from friends, family, and strangers from all over the world. Thank you all for being here with me. I sincerely love every single one of you.

My wish for everyone reading: May you find the space in this world to be unapologetically, unashamedly yourselves, just as I have. If I can do it in Saudi Arabia, you can find a way too.

Masalama 🙂

54 thoughts on “The End.

  1. that makes me very sad! i loved your blog and always enjoyed reading it.
    hope all will go the way u want it! wish u all the best. take care

  2. Congratulations for finding yourself again amidst all you’ve been through. Keep on moving, keep on learning, keep on growing. Best wishes to you.

  3. Feels a little sad to say “good buye” to you. I have started reading your blog about two years ago as I was doing research before I moved to Saudi myself to finish high school. I must say that I am very happy to see the positive changes that your writing and your view on things have undergone over time. I had the pleasure to come across some more of such minds over my short stay in Riyadh. Keep it up and I wish you all the best. Always curious about your latet instagram updates! 🙂

  4. Despite not commenting , I always enjoyed reading your blog posts. You are a very strong woman and I wish you only the best here in Saudi as well as in your future.

  5. Ibe been following you and reading your posts for long time, and I always knew this will happend one day 😃… so happy for you!!! Is hard for us to see a bit of sunlight in the middle of the storm but im glad you find yourself your own therapy and im glad you moved on. Lots of love and hugs for you from a reader that will expect tk meet you one day 😊❤️

  6. Your blog is the only blog I have ever followed. You will be missed. Best wishes to you and your daughter. I am happy for you both.

    • No, those are now private 🙂 I hope that while my writings were public I did my part to help others with my experiences. But for now I think it’s time to keep my life to myself for the most part.

  7. Good luck to you Mandi, you demystified Saudi Arabia for me. They should make you their missionary. Love and Peace, Debi

  8. I’m sad the blog is ending, it has helped me so much with my own issues and has been so enjoyable to read. But I am so happy you have found your way there. I wish you all the best and thank you from the bottom of my heart for help and guidance you have provided.

    Take care of yourself x x

  9. Although I’ve been reading your blog for quite some time, I’ve never commented. Thank you for sharing so much of your life here, with us. I always looked forward to your posts when they pop into my in-box. Best regards and wishes for your continued happiness. Under The Abaya will be greatly missed.

  10. I am truly sad to see you go 😦 would you consider blogging just about Saudi in general? Just learning the lifestyle and seeing what life is like there would be awesome ❤️ You are a wonderful writer and would like to hear more 😘

  11. Nooo :((

    I understand your decision. But please don’t stop writing, and keep telling us where to find you. This was a great blog!

    A long time follower & commenter.

    • I’ll never stop’s what keeps me alive I think. But for now I’m not going to be sharing my writings with the public, and there’s an enormous sense of peace in that kind of privacy. For now you can follow and connect with me on Facebook and Instagram, both of which are linked in the side bar.

  12. This is the first time I’ve ever commented on your blog, though I’ve often wanted to before. I am glad you are okay and at peace, and I wish you and your little girl al the best for a bright future.

  13. OMG!! Am I the only one who is reading more into this. I was busy these past few months with my moving to a new country and all that shifting associated with it. Just got settled with my beautiful family and opened the net to read my favourite blog and this shocker. Though I had an uncomfortable feeling with the amount of time gap increasing between your latest blogs, I didn’t expect a complete shut down. Oh, I just wish you didn’t get into any trouble for your blogs. I loved reading them. Anyway, I wish you well and hope you settle into a peaceful and lovely life in your country. And heartfelt regards to your wonderful daughter, have a great time. Bye. Will miss you. If there is anything please mail me at my email id.

    • I’ve not gotten into any trouble for the blogs, thank goodness. Even The Mr. got used to the idea after all these years and I could happily talk to him about the blog and discuss issues with him and get his input.
      There’s nothing to read into except the fact that I value my privacy right now 🙂

      • Whew…that is so good to hear…it takes great conviction to bare your thoughts on a public forum, that too with your original identity. You are very brave and honest. I hope to god you have a wonderful life in your new home i.e Saudi . So long. Bye Mandi. May the universe bless you with everything you wish.😊

  14. You will be missed! All the best in your life’s journey. A small part of me is sad I won’t be along…a big part of me is happy that you’ve made it this far. Much love and respect!

  15. I figured this was coming. I could see your life veering away from the blog and into a new existence outside of this two-dimensional space. I’m glad you shared this transition with us, but you go girl and run on out there and don’t look back! Take hold of your life with both hands. And may beauty be always beneath you, above you, behind you, and before you.

  16. This is my first time commenting but I’ve been a long time reader. I want to thank you for sharing your life with us. You truly have a gift for writing. You should turn your life story into a book. It would definitely be a best seller! I’m so happy you are in a good place right now and have found your peace. Your blog has inspired me, made me laugh, and made me cry at times. I stand in awe of your strength and perseverance through all you’ve been through. You will be missed.

  17. Awww. Such a beautiful, insightful and oftentimes funny blog. I hope whatever the future holds for you, it involves writing! You will be missed.

  18. I never commented but I enjoyed your blogs so sad to see you go:-(
    I wish you the best God bless you, and your daughter and protect you both.
    I would like to know where I can follow on social media?
    I spend most of my time on Instagram where do I look for you?
    What’s your hastag on Instagram?
    I would love to follow you there.
    Thank you for your blogs I hope you write again:o)

  19. Thank you so much for the blog! I think I commented once before but I was afraid that my comments would be unacceptable therefore only did it once. I live in Canada and I worried about you. I read your blog because I was interested in Saudi life and of course I will never visit because it is so different than our own. I will really miss your blog but more important is that you’re happy and safe. I wish you the best Mandy and if ever you write a book then keep our emails and let us know about it. Writing is one of your many talents and that is a fact.

  20. I am sad to see you go. I almost married and moved there and changed my mind. I am mostly bedridden now due to lupus and a back injury and your blog gave me a trip outside of these four walls. Very sad to see it go and I wish you well. You will be missed.

  21. I enjoyed your blog, learned a lot about life in Saudi Arabia…. (I am an Israeli, so the kingdom is off limit 🙂 I was always curious to hear more about the public educational system there…. Still curious…
    I wish you good luck in your future adventures. You certainly have the gift to touch life with your writing.

  22. I had just stumbled upon your blog when finding out we were moving to Saudi and have thoroughly enjoyed it! VERY happy for you and best of luck!

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